2019 270x100x150cm sow skin, stainless steel frame
2019 270x100x150cm piele de scroafa, cadru din inox
They are also babies. Separated from their mothers, abused, molested and killed a few months after birth, the young animal babies raised for human consumption will never see the sky, they will never run on a sunny meadow. They will end up innocent in the kitchens and on the plates of the humanoids who, although they have alternatives, prefer to justify their taste pleasures with any arguments, no matter how conservative, hardened in time or stupid they are.
Despartiti de mame, abuzati, molestati si ucisi la cateva luni dupa nastere, puii animalelor crescute pentru consumul uman nu vor vedea niciodata cerul, nu vor alerga niciodata pe o pajiste insorita. Vor sfarsi inocenti si nevinovati in bucatariile si pe platourile umanoizilor care desi au alternative, prefera sa-si justifice placerile gustului prin orice argumente indiferent cat de conservatoare, intepenite in timp sau stupide sunt.